Firefox Support is coming in HttpWatch 6.0

calendarAugust 29, 2008 in HttpWatch

Mozilla FirefoxWe are pleased to announce that HttpWatch version 6.0 will be released on Monday, September 15th 2008. The major new feature in this release is support for Firefox 2.0 and 3.0 on Windows.

Existing HttpWatch Professional 5.x licenses will work with the new version, if the maintenance on the license is currently active. This applies to:

  • Anyone who purchased a license with the basic 3 months maintenance on or after June 15th, 2008
  • Anyone with a 1 year priority support and maintenance license that expires on or after September 15th 2008

Some of our prices will be increasing on September 15th, but any license purchased between now and the release date of HttpWatch 6.0 will automatically work with the new version.

The Surprising Effect of Distance on Download Speed

calendarAugust 14, 2008 in HTTP , Optimization

Let’s start with a question. What download speed would you expect in this scenario?

Download Scenario (100 Mbps server and 20 Mbps client)

If you just think of network connections as a simple pipe, then you might expect the download speed to be approximately the same as the slowest network connection, i.e. 20 Mbps. When we tested this out using a local UK based website with a ping time of 13 ms we saw this:

Local Download Speed

The download speed of 1.57 MB /s or 12.56 Mbps (i.e. 1.57 x 8 for 8 bits per byte) was over 60% of the theoretical maximum for the internet connection. That’s quite respectable if you allow you the overhead of the IP and TCP headers on each network packet.

However, the situation was quite different with our own web site that’s located in Dallas. It has a ping time of 137 ms from our office in the UK:

Remote Download Speed

This time the download speed was 372 KB/s or 2.91 Mbps – less than 15% of the advertised internet connection speed.

At first we thought this was some sort of bandwidth throttling of transatlantic traffic by our ISP. However, when we tried using other networks to perform transatlantic downloads we could never get more than about 3 – 4 Mbps. The reason for this behavior became clear when we saw Aladdin Nassar’s talk about Hotmail Performance Tuning at Velocity 2008:

Slide 7 of his talk shows that with standard TCP connections the round trip time between client and server (i.e. ping time) imposes an upper limited on maximum throughput.

This upper limit is caused by the TCP flow control protocol, It requires each block of data, know as the TCP window, to be acknowledged by the receiver. The sender will not start transmitting the next block data until it receives the acknowledgement from the receiver for the previous block. The reasons for doing this are:

  • It avoids the receiver getting swamped with data that it cannot process quickly enough. This is particularly important for memory challenged mobile devices
  • It allows the receiver to request re-transmission of the last data block, if it detects data corruption or the loss of packets

The ping time determines how many TCP windows can be acknowledged per second and is often the limiting factor on high bandwidth connections as the maximum window size in standard TCP/IP is only 64 KB.

Let’s try putting some numbers into the bandwidth equation to see if it matches our results. For large downloads in IE the TCP window starts at 16 KB but is automatically increased to 64 KB.

So for our remote download test:

Maximum throughput = 8,000 x 64 / ( 1.5 x 137) = 2, 491 Kbps = 2.43 Mbps

This value agrees fairly well with the measured figure. The 1.5 factor in the equation represents the overhead of the IP / TCP headers on each network packet and may be a a little too high explaining some of the difference.

In the past, with dialup connections the maximum throughput value was much higher than the 56 Kbps available bandwidth. But with today’s high bandwidth connections, this limit becomes much more significant. You really need to geographically position your web server(s) or content close to your users if you want to offer the best possible performance over high bandwidth connections.

There are two solutions to this issue but neither is in widespread use:

  • IPv6 allows window sizes over 64 KB
  • RFC1323 allows larger window sizes over IPv4 and is enabled by default in Windows Vista. Unfortunately, many routers and modems not support it

In the case of interplanetary spacecraft, the round trip time may be colossal. For example, the ping time to Mars can be up to 40 minutes and would limit TCP throughput to approximately 142 bits / sec! With this in mind an interplanetary version of TCP/IP has been designed:


  1. Distance doesn’t just increase round trip times; it can also reduce download speeds
  2. Don’t blame your ISP for poor downloads from distant web sites
  3. Consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) or geo-locating your web servers

Automating HttpWatch with Visual Basic

calendarJuly 23, 2008 in Automation , HttpWatch , Internet Explorer

HttpWatch includes automation samples in C# and in a previous post we used C# to create simple empty cache and primed cache tests. However, a number of customers have recently asked how they can get started with HttpWatch and VB.Net. To use Visual Basic simply follow these steps:

1. Create a VB.Net Project

In Visual Studio create a new console application for Visual Basic:

Create VB.Net Console Application

2. Add a Reference for HttpWatch

To use the COM based HttpWatch automation API you need to create a  reference by right clicking on the project and going to ‘Add Reference…’ :

Add Reference

When the ‘Add Reference’ dialog opens click on the COM tab. If you have HttpWatch Basic or Professional Edition installed you should be able to find HttpWatch in the list of COM type libraries. A quick way to do this is to type ‘httpwatch’ into the References dialog. Once you have found the HttpWatch Automation library; select it and click on OK:

HttpWatch COM Reference

3. Start Writing Code!

The HttpWatch automation objects are now available in VB.Net. To make life easier you may want to add an Imports HttpWatch statement into your code so that you don’t have to add the HttpWatch namespace onto the name of every automation class and interface. There’s documentation for the API in the HttpWatch help file and you’ll see Intellisense prompts as you start writing code:

Writing VB.Net for HttpWatch

Here’s an example of a simple program to test how long a page takes to load:

Imports HttpWatch 
Imports System       
Module Module1       
    Sub Main() 
        Dim url As String = ""       
        Dim controller As Controller = New Controller       
        ' Create a new instance of IE 
        Dim plugin As Plugin = controller.[New]       
        ' Wait for page to load 
        controller.Wait(plugin, -1)       
        Dim pageLoadTime As Double = _ 
        Console.WriteLine("The page loaded in " + _ 
            pageLoadTime.ToString() + " secs")       
        plugin.Container.Quit() ' Close IE 
    End Sub       
End Module

And here is the empty cache test converted to VB.Net:

Imports HttpWatch 
Imports System     
Module Module1     
    Sub Main() 
        Dim url As String = "" 
        Dim controller As Controller = New Controller     
        ' Create a new instance of IE 
        Dim plugin As Plugin = controller.[New]     
        'Clear out all existing cache entries 
        ' Wait for page to load 
        controller.Wait(plugin, -1)     
        Dim pageLoadTime As Double = _ 
        Console.WriteLine("The page loaded in " + _ 
            pageLoadTime.ToString() + " secs")     
        ' Uncomment the next line to save the results 
        ' plugin.Log.Save("c:\temp\emptycachetest.hwl")     
        plugin.Container.Quit() ' Close IE 
    End Sub     
End Module

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