HttpWatch in Print
June 9, 2008 in
There are now eight books on Amazon that mention HttpWatch as a tool to aid HTTP debugging:
Professional ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB (Programmer to Programmer)
by Bill Evjen, Scott Hanselman, and Devin RaderThe Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws
by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus PintoJuniper(r) Networks Secure Access SSL VPN Configuration Guide
by Rob Cameron and Neil R. WylerPractical JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects
by Frank ZammettiPractical DWR 2 Projects (Expert’s Voice in Java)
by Frank ZammettiSAP NetWeaver Visual Composer
by Carsten Býýnnen and Mario HergerSAP® NetWeaver Portal Technology: The Complete Reference
by Rabi JayAdvanced BSP Programming
by Brian McKellar and Thomas Jung