How to check HTTP Compression with HttpWatch

calendarJuly 10, 2009 in Automation , C# , HttpWatch , Optimization

HTTP compression is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve the performance of a web site. A browser indicates that it supports compression with the Accept-Encoding request header and the server
indicates the compression type in the Content-Encoding response header.

This screenshot from the Stream tab of HttpWatch shows these headers and the compressed content being returned from the server:

Compressed Page

Here’s another screenshot of a page that is not compressed:

Page with no compression

The browser still indicated that it accepted gzip and deflate compression, but the server ignored this and returned uncompressed HTML with no Content-Encoding header.

The easiest way to check the amount of compression achieved is to use the Content tab in HttpWatch to view a ‘200 OK’ response from the server:

Compressed Content

Don’t try checking for compression on other HTTP status codes. For example, a ‘304 Not Modified’ response will never have any compression saving because no content is returned across the network from the web server. The browser just loads the content fom the cache as shown below:

Content Tab with 304

So, if you want to see if compression is enabled on a page, you’ll either need to force a refresh or clear the browser cache to make sure that the content is returned from the server. The HttpWatch Automation API lets you automate these steps. Here’s an example using C# that reports how many bytes were saved by compressing a page’s HTML:

// Set a reference to the HttpWatch COM library
// to start using the HttpWatch namespace
// This code requires HttpWatch version 6.x
using HttpWatch;
namespace CompressionCheck
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string url = "";
            Controller controller = new Controller();
            // Create an instance of IE (For Firefox use
            // controller.Firefox.New("") )
            Plugin plugin = controller.IE.New();
            // Clear out all existing cache entries
            // Wait for the page to download
            controller.Wait(plugin, -1);
            // Find the first HTTP/HTTPS request for the page's HTML
            Entry firstRequest = plugin.Log.Pages[0].Entries[0];
            int bytesSaved = 0;
            if (firstRequest.Content.IsCompressed)
                bytesSaved = firstRequest.Content.Size
                                   - firstRequest.Content.CompressedSize;
            System.Console.WriteLine("Compression of '" +
                firstRequest.URL + "' saved " + bytesSaved + " bytes");

Tip: If you access a web site through a proxy you may not see the effect of compression. This is because some proxies strip out the Accept-Encoding header so that they don’t have to process compressed content. Tony Gentilcore’s excellent ‘Beyond Gzipping’ talk at Velocity 2009 described how 15% of visitors to your site will not receive compression due to problems like this. A simple way to effectively bypass proxy filtering for testing purposes is to use HTTPS if it is available. For example, try if you don’t see compression on

Why is Google so Fast?

calendarNovember 5, 2007 in HTTP , Optimization

It’s no coincidence that the most successful search engine on the planet is also the fastest to return results. Here are some time charts from HttpWatch for Google and its two closest competitors; Yahoo and returns its results page in 0.155 seconds:

Timechart for Google results page returns its results page in 0.619 seconds:

Timechart for results page

Yahoo returns its results page in 1.131 seconds:

Timechart for Yahoo results page

These screen shots were created by visiting the home page of each search engine with an empty cache and then entering a search term while recording with the free, Basic Edition of HttpWatch

After clicking the ‘Search’ button, the results of the keyword search are delivered by Google approximately four times faster than and seven times faster than Yahoo. How do they manage to do this?

Clearly, the time taken to lookup the results for a keyword is crucial and there’s no denying that Google’s distributed super-computer reputedly running on a cluster of one hundred thousand servers is at the heart of that. However, Google has also optimized the results page by applying two of the most important aspects of web site performance tuning:

  • Make less HTTP requests
  • Minimized the size of the downloaded data

The Google results page requires only one network round-trip compared to the four and eight round-trips required by and Yahoo respectively. They have achieved this by ensuring that the results page has no external dependencies. All its style information and javascript code has been in-lined with <style> and <script> tags.

You might be wondering how the Google logo and other images are rendered on the results page since Internet Explorer does not support in-lined image data. Well, that’s a little more subtle. When the user visits the Google home page, the image nav_logo3.png is pre-loaded by some background javascript (hence the separate page group in HttpWatch):

Pre-loading of Nav_logo3.png

The image wasn’t actually displayed on the home page but it was forced into the browser’s cache. When the search results page is rendered by the browser, it doesn’t need to fetch the image from because it already has a local copy. It didn’t even register in HttpWatch as a (Cache) result because Internet Explorer loaded the item directly from its in-memory image cache.

As you can see from the screenshot, nav_logo3.png doesn’t just contain the Google logo. It also has a set of arrows and the Google Checkout logo. This is because the results page uses a technique called CSS Sprites. All the images used on the results page are carefully sliced out of this single aggregate image with the CSS background-position attribute. The use of this technique has allowed Google to load the search page images in a single round-trip.

The other major advantage of the Google results page, over its competitors, is the amount of data that is downloaded. You can see this by looking at the highlighted values in the HttpWatch page summaries:

Google results page summary results page summary

Yahoo results page summary

The Google results page only requires 6 KB of data to be downloaded, whereas requires 16 KB and 57 KB for Yahoo. All three search engines use HTTP compression, but Google’s results page requires less data because:

  1. Their page is simpler so it requires less HTML
  2. They’ve avoided extra round-trips for script and CSS. Each round trip requires HTTP response headers and adds to the total amount of data that has to be downloaded. In addition, HTTP compression tends to be more efficient on a single large request rather than several smaller requests.
  3. The HTML is written to minimize size at the expense of readability. It contains very little white space, no comments and uses short variable names and ids.

Not only do these techniques improve the performance of the Google results page, they have the added benefit of reducing the load on the Google web servers.

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